
The Faculty of Music at 100 years:
an opportunity to remember our past,
consider the present, and to embrace our future.

We invite you to participate in a variety of ways!

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Attend an event, performance or lecture
Learn about faculty history in our Profiles section
Stay up to date with Faculty 100th Anniversary News

Content will be updated on the site throughout the year! You are a part of our story — share your memories with us on social media using #UofTMusic100.

Did you know?


University of Toronto grants Canada’s first Bachelor of Music degree to church musician James Paton Clarke.


U of T establishes the Faculty of Music when it mainly administered exams for degrees.


Faculty of Music moves into the Edward Johnson Building, the first building designed for music study in Canada.


Faculty of Music has almost 7000 graduates, hosts 600 performances a year, and has over 950 students.